Looking for something to do? Summer is the perfect time to get certified.

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Looking for something to do?  

Summer is the perfect time to get certified.


With a little over a month before we begin transitioning into Fall term, there’s plenty of time for you to take advantage of the relaxed summer-time pace to get in some good old fashioned professional development work.  And, with online options, you can do it from the comforts of your home (or beach house, or campground – wherever the summer has taken you!)


Regional E-Learning’s E1: Online Faculty Training Certification

Miami Regional’s E-Learning is growing rapidly, with new courses offered each term.  Get ‘online ready’ to teach your first e-learning course by joining us for E1, Regional E-Learning’s Online Faculty Training Course.   Earning your Online Faculty Certification is not only your first step to becoming eligible to teach online with MU Regionals, but is also your first step to developing a new online course for your department.   Designed for new online faculty members and will equip you with the necessary information and skills to successfully facilitate online courses at the Miami Regional Campuses.   You will have an opportunity to explore e-learning best practices, master the Canvas interface of an online course, explore strategies for interacting with your students and course delivery strategies to successfully complete the required online training for online instruction at the Miami Regional campuses.


Quality Matters Professional Development for Higher Education

Continue to enhance your e-learning expertise by further developing your knowledge and skills related to online course design, implementation and assessment with Quality Matters.

Applying the Quality Matters Rubric

Quality Matters’ flagship workshop on Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) is the best way to get started with this professional quality-focused organization.   The Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric is widely considered one of the industry’s preeminent tools used to evaluate evaluate the design of online and blended courses.  APPQMR explores the Quality Matters Project and Processes and will prepare you to be part of an initiative that positively impacts the design of online and blended courses and ultimately, student learning and success.  You will become familiar with the Quality Matters standards and participate in a practice peer course review of an online course using the review tools.   Use this link to learn more about APPQMR.

Peer Reviewer Course

QM is designed to improve the quality of online and blended courses by establishing a peer-reviewed quality assurance review process.   After earning APPQMR certification, you become eligible to train to become a QM Peer Reviewer.  Peer Reviewers provide a critical service in providing faculty-centered peer review to certify a consistent quality in online course design at the Miami regional campuses. We strongly believe that developing a strong base of feedback and collaboration will not only benefit the faculty and course(s) being reviewed, but also assist in your own professional scholarship and instruction.  Use this link to learn more about PRC.


The best part?  All of these professional development opportunities are available to you for free.   Contact E-Learning at elearning@miamioh.edu for more information.

About Robyn Charlton

Robyn is Coordinator of Online Faculty for Miami University Regionals' E-Campus.