Getting Started with Canvas

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Ready, Set, Go!

We are excited to start the year with our new learning management system, Canvas. We are excited to see the variety of ways that our new learning management system will bring new tools and opportunities to our faculty, staff, and students.

Below, you will find important information and resources to assist you in preparing for the upcoming term in your face-to-face and online courses.


Canvas Checklist

Here is a handy checklist to help guide you through working with your Canvas courses.  You will find linked guides (text tutorial) and a movie icon for a short video demonstration.

Face-to-Face Course Checklist

Online Course Checklist


Canvas Guide

The Canvas guide is a detailed instruction manual for working with your Canvas course(s) that was created at Miami University.  It includes annotated images and basic guided instructions.  This is a great guide to print and keep handy for reference.


Canvas Template

We have created a regional face-to-face course template to speed up setting up your course(s), it is available for your use in Canvas Commons.  It is available to use as much or as little as you need.  You can access Commons directly in Canvas and search for Miami template.  You can import the template into your course.  The directions for accessing and importing the template are available in the checklist and guide.

You can also watch the Canvas Video Tour to see all the template components.


About Julie Straub