Cool Tools and Niihka Upgrade

Welcome back everyone! We are excited to start the school year on a tech high! We will begin the year off right with some Cool Tools. This presentation was given to during the opening workshop for the College of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences. We have some great Chrome extensions and apps as well as a couple of iPad apps. Plus an array of helpful teaching and productivity web apps. Check out the links below! But just remember….this is like Home Depot….just because it is shiny and new does not mean it will be right for your teaching situation. Please evaluate it for its usefulness. We can help you do that as well.


Chrome Apps and Extensions

Ipad Apps

  • Socrative
  • MyScript Calculator

Delicious Links

Cool Tools – Delicious Link List

New Niihka 2.9


There are some great new features and tools in this version of Sakai. One is that you can get a tutorial when you first log in to the new version. All of your content should have migrated well to the new version. If it did not, please contact us in E-Learning.


  • Option that makes students do an initial post before they can see the other posts.
  • More streamlined grading.

New Tools:

  • Postem – Post feedback and scores from a spreadsheet.
  • SCORM Player – If you have SCORM content from say Articulate or Storyline you can upload it here and scores will transfer to the gradebook.
  • Sign-Up – Allows students to sign up for real or virtual conferences, presentation slots, etc.
  • New Improved Rich Text Editor
  • New MathML formula editor

  • Editor now supports browser-based spell checking

  • Automatic cleanup of text pasted from Word

  • Links created with the CK editor will not break when used in a new site

  • Faster; better accessibility

Stay tuned for some face to face training opportunities.



About Janet Hurn

I am the Coordinator of E-Learning Initiatives for the Regional Campuses of Miami University. I am also a Senior Instructor in the physics department. My career has been about effectively integrating technology into teaching and learning. This is an exciting time to be in education. Enjoy the ride!