Outstanding Project Awards

At the conclusions of the Q&A sessions, participants submit feedback and recommend projects for outstanding project awards. This year, 15 projects were nominated (in alpha order) and three were selected for an award (identified as 1st, 2nd, 3rd): APL.gg Backpacker Planning Team 1 BGA Hearts Cancellation Data Parser Decision Support App Team 1 Flero++ Web […]

Patient Driven Medication Synchronization

CLIENT Cardinal Health VISION Cardinal Health asked us to look at Patient Led Medication Synchronization. They wanted to see how we would approach the problem and what ideas we would generate. Patient-led synchronization is the idea that instead of pharmacists synchronizing their patients’ medications, patients would with the help of an algorithm. Pharmacists would then […]

Flero++ Web Framework

CLIENT Dr. Dhananjai (DJ) Rao, Associate ProfessorComputer Science & Software Engineering VISION The vision of this project is to develop the foundations of a user-friendly C++ web framework. Many technologies exist which enable web page generation from C++ source code, yet learning and using these technologies make the process so tedious that most choose to […]

Spring 2023 Expo

The CEC Expo is scheduled for May 4th, 2023, in Millett Hall, 5:00 – 7:00pm with awards following. This event is open to all. The departmental Expo Q&A sessions are scheduled for the week of April 24th, 2023, online. This event is open to all as well. Use the links on the schedule page to […]

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