Fall 2023 Q&A

The departmental Expo Q&A sessions are scheduled for Tuesday December 5th, 6:00 – 7:30 pm (join session) and Thursday December 7th, 6:00 – 7:00 pm (join session). Both sessions will be held online.

This event is open to all. Use the links on the schedule page to join the conversation. We recommend the use of the WebEx desktop app for the best experience but you can also join using your browser.

This semester, teams were asked to work on the same project, a business rules managements system or BRMS. They formed teams and then selected one collective bargaining agreement (CBA) to implement, either Sam Adams or Pacific Power and Light (PPL).

At a high level, the teams were responsible for the following user stories:

  • As an HR manager or legal team member, I need to implement rules to constrain scheduling resources for work. These constraints shall follow the CBA.
  • As a team manager, I want to schedule resources for multiple shifts so I can keep production or services running.

The teams were directed to work on an entire solution. We found the scope too broad, though. Second semester the teams selected a part of the solution and negotiated with other teams to complete a full solution. One team, Team Cooper, elected to complete the entire project. In other cases, UShift (Team Henderson) and Team Braun elected to work closely and, finally, Teams Boothe, Deng, and Cao collaborated.

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