Hefner Museum Visitor App

Tuesday 4/17/21 Track I, 6:50 PM EDT

Steven Sullivan, Director Hefner Museum
The client wanted visitors of the museum to be able to conveniently find more information about each animal in the Francis Gallery in the Hefner Museum of Natural History, and also for people of all ages to be able to come to the museum and interact with it using their mobile device. They also wanted for the app to be expandable and easily updated, so that the client could work on the app without the help of developers.
Our app achieves the goal of having visitors finding out more information about animals in the museum, by having a leaflet with images of the animals in the exhibits heads’, that the user can interact with and find out facts about specific animals, provided by clicking on an animals head. The goal of the app being usable by people of all age groups was achieved, by making two different sections, filled with age appropriate information for both adults and kids. Lastly we made sure that the client could add and update information through the database for all of the animals, so that the app was not static and was expandable. There is also room for much more features that the client might want developed later on into the future.
Oskar Wilkosz, Jack Budow, Michael Federer, Nick Potter

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