Industry Relations CRM

CLIENT Colleen Bush
VISION Our project envisions the creation of an Industry Relations Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that simplifies and enhances communication and collaboration for our clients and industry professionals. We aim to provide a centralized platform that ensures essential information, events, contacts, and documents are readily accessible and easy to manage, reducing the risk of communication breakdowns and missed opportunities.
MISSION Our mission is to develop client-centric solutions that streamline workflows, enabling users to accomplish tasks effortlessly. Applying Agile principles, we prioritize adaptability, collaboration, and fast response to changes in the project. Through open communication and a commitment to excellence, we are dedicated to delivering a web application that integrates with Google SUITE to streamline data and automates key aspects of our client’s work processes. Furthermore, we aim to cultivate a culture where every team member is valued, creating a sense of appreciation and driving excellence.
TEAM Jim Cai, PJ Duimstra, Bill Hutson, Bricen Raynold

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