Bus Schedule Mobile App

CLIENT Dr. Alan Ferrenberg, Assistant Teaching Professor, and Kaylynn Borror, Assistant Lecturer
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
VISION Our vision is to facilitate the creation of a fully functional bus scheduling mobile application that services students and educators as they travel around the Cosenza region of Italy. This application will retrieve and utilize up-to-date bus scheduling information for routing purposes, and have live location tracking functionality, while all being wrapped in an intuitive and simplistic interface designed with usability in mind.
MISSION Presently, the Miami students and faculty that participate in the study abroad program in southern Italy have no reliable means of navigating the local bus system. Current offerings either require unlocking a paywall, or they do not provide accurate directions to get from one designated location to another. Our mobile application aims to solve these issues and help ensure that users can travel around Cosenza reliably, and enjoy their time abroad instead of worrying about figuring out local travel plans.
TEAM Ayo Obisesan, Daniel Tai, Neal Wolfrant, Jaden Zaleski

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