Team Cooper

VISION Our vision is to create a scheduling system for electrical workers that is highly efficient, easy to use, and maximizes productivity. The system will ensure that the right workers are assigned to the right jobs, at the right time, with minimal downtime and maximum efficiency. 
  • Our software application will be developed using Java as the programming language for both the application logic and the graphical user interface (GUI) code.
  • To facilitate this, we will be using Eclipse as our integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and debugging the Java code.
  • In order to efficiently manage tasks, resources, and schedules, we will be using MySQL as our relational database management system.
  • We will interact with the MySQL database from our Java code using JDBC, which is a Java API for connecting to and interacting with databases.
  • For creating the GUI, we will be using Swing, which is a Java GUI toolkit that provides a set of components for creating desktop applications with a graphical user interface. This will help us create a user-friendly and responsive interface that is easy to use and navigate.
  • Finally, we will be using GitLab as our version control system for managing the source code and collaborating with other developers. With GitLab, we can track changes to the codebase, collaborate on new features, and resolve issues and bugs quickly and efficiently.
  • By implementing this tech stack, we are confident that we will be able to develop a reliable and robust software application that meets the needs of our users.
TEAM Nero Tran Huu, Azura Cooper, Alex King, Eric Khmelnitsky

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