The Custodians of Oxford

CLIENT Peter Sturni
PROBLEM STATEMENT Miami University students, professors, Oxford residents, and local businesses are in need of a variety of professional cleaning and party services provided in a timely and eco-friendly manner. College students living away from home need access to non-standard services that would not have been required regularly when living at home. Most students are living on their own for the first time in their lives, and they need access to services that specifically cater to college students. These services will also be available to residents in the community who are in need of cleaning and other services.
PROJECT PURPOSE The purpose of this project is to create a website and mobile application that will be available to off-campus college students and Oxford-area residents. The customer portal allows search, booking, and payment for services. The owner/administrator has a portal to manage service providers and provide customer service.
TEAM Michael Anton
Riley Marshall
Bohannan Bees
Claire O’Neil

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