Patient Driven Medication Synchronization

CLIENT Cardinal Health
VISION Cardinal Health asked us to look at Patient Led Medication Synchronization. They wanted to see how we would approach the problem and what ideas we would generate. Patient-led synchronization is the idea that instead of pharmacists synchronizing their patients’ medications, patients would with the help of an algorithm. Pharmacists would then get more freedom to focus on other aspects of their job. This idea also improves medication adherence by having patients take their medications according to their doctor’s instructions.
MISSION Our mission was to design a solution that would show patient-led synchronization. To show how synchronization would allow for a more efficient pickup schedule that would also work with the patient’s life. As well as allowing pharmacists time for parts of their job. One of those is having a better relationship with their patients. Overall having a relationship and a higher medication adherence could improve their health.
TEAM Lucia Beickman
Oliver DiPuccio
Corrina Martinez
Jenna Sayle
Nicholas Richer

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