Collaborative Modeling in Virtual Reality (CoMoVR) Framework

CLIENT Dr. Eric Rapos, Assitant Professor
Computer Science & Software Engineering
VISION The vision of this project, as defined by our client, is a comprehensive collaborative VR IML diagram modeling experience. We have delivered many core features in order to achieve this vision. When fully complete, CoMoVR will likely be used in future classes to help students design IML diagrams more intuitively inside a VR environment.
MISSION Our mission in working on this project was to add as much functionality as we could in the time allotted to us, and to refine the user experience. We started with the bare skeleton of an IML modeling application and added existing IML server compatibility, a room management system, a user lobby, an API to log into one’s university account, and the ability to move around the virtual scene.
TEAM Evan Swihart
Joe Strubler
Rameez Mahmood
Jack Duvall

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