UML Browser App

Monday 4/27/21 Track I, 6:30 PM EDT

Dr. Eric Rapos, CSE
The vision of this project is to provide a web-based application that can be used to teach and learn Model Driven Software Engineering. Before this tool, there were only plugins that would work with a desktop IDE. This web-based application makes learning Model Driven Software Engineering easier and not as complex due to the use of the created modeling language IML (Instructional Modeling Language). Also, the web application only includes what is necessary to teach/learn Model Driven Software Engineering. The necessary tools for this web-based application are the following: Structural Modeling tool, Model Transformation tool, Behavioral Modeling tool, Model-Based Testing tool, and an IDE tool.
To achieve the vision, the team collaborated to implement the following requirements for the Minimal viable product: enhance the account management to hold users’ files and data, link user’s files appropriately, create a source code IDE for Java, and enhance the Structural Modeling tool. The team met weekly with the client to go over feedback, priorities, and any other concerns or issues present. The team operated in 2-week sprints using Agile to achieve the client’s vision while being able to respond quickly to any issue that came up.
Nick Gerard, Matthew Sorkin, David Sorkin, Ben Harendza

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