Changing the Appearance of your Blog Site

September 13, 2011 | No Comments

From the Appearance screen you can control how the content of your blog is displayed. WordPress allows you to easily style your site by choosing from a list of available Themes.

To change the appearance of your site:

1. Log in to

2. Click Appearance. Additional menu options appear.

WordPress Appearance options

3. Adjust settings as needed. Click Save Changes to apply settings.

  • Themes: A theme establishes a common look and feel for WordPress sites without modifying the underlying software. Several themes are available for your use, including a Miami theme. Click Preview to review any theme. Click Activate to apply a theme to your site.
  • Widgets: A widget allows you to place independent sections of content into any widgetized sidebar provided by your theme. The Available Widgets section contains all the widgets you can choose from. Drag and drop the widget title bars into the desired area.
  • Menus: If your theme supports customized menus, you may access this option. Menus may contain links to pages, categories, custom links or other content types.
  • Theme Options: Some themes provide customization options that are grouped together on a Theme Options screen. If you change themes, options may change or disappear, as they are theme-specific.
  • Background: If allowed by your current theme, you can customize the background of your theme by uploading an image or selecting a color to represent the background.
  • Header: If allowed by your current theme, you can customize the header of your theme by uploading and configuring an image. Also, some themes come with additional header images bundled. If you see multiple images displayed, select the one you’d like and click Save Changes.
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