Circling Round Featured Artist: Candice McGlosson

Candice McGlosson has been selected as a featured artist in the Miami University Art Museum 2020 Student Response Exhibition! McGlosson is a senior printmaking major with a Japanese minor at Miami. She is from Trenton, Ohio. McGlosson chose to attend Miami because it was close enough to home and offered everything she was looking for. Outside of school, she works for a Cincinnati based circus company where she performs aerial acrobatics, partners in a comedy sideshow, and plays with fire!

Her featured artwork, Rotational Deterioration, was inspired by “thinking about how I spend the time I’m allotted as a living being. My job, my hobbies, my college career. These are the things we trade our mortality to achieve and maintain,” said McGlosson.  

This year’s SRE topic was Circling ‘Round, where students thought about what a circle meant to them and how they might interpret it in art. Nearly 100 submissions were received. 32 works by 58 students were chosen to be featured in the Spring 2020 exhibition. As a juried exhibition, all works were selected through a formal process by a committee.

The exhibition will open Tuesday, January 28 and will remain through alumni weekend, closing on June 13. Voting will be open until April 11, 2020. There will be an artist celebration and award ceremony held on April 14, 2020, from 6 to 8 PM where three works will be awarded prizes totaling over $800. The awards are sponsored by the Art Museum Membership Association.

Come see Candice McGlosson’s artwork along with the rest of the student response exhibition, Circling ‘Round, at the Miami University Art Museum!

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