Outside the Box Featured Artist: Lauren Smith

By Olivia Semsel, Arts Management Intern

Our fifth Student Response Exhibition, Outside the Box, is open, and you can come check out the unique creations of 34 students (and vote for your favorite)!

This is our next post in a series featuring the student artists who have created one or more pieces displayed in Outside the Box.

Meet our featured artist, Lauren Smith!

Lauren is a Senior Studio Art (Painting) Major, with a minor in Digital Games – Game Art, from Dayton, OH!

She came to Miami because it offered her the best chance to study electronic art, without the frustrating aspects of programs she considered at other colleges. For fun she loves to watch YouTube videos, read Wikipedia articles, and get lost in thought. Her favorite genre of art is illustration, and her dream job is to create projects that amaze her and make her proud of herself.

The Student Response Exhibition asked students to think beyond physical limits with the concept of a box. Lauren has two pieces on display in this exhibition! For Lauren’s first animation, titled Microscope, she states,

“This stop motion animation looks into a world in which a box is a biological cell. Rigid in its wall structure, the cell will tolerate poking until its breaking point.”

For her second animation, titled Outside the Box, she states,

“I personally do not believe that a geometric form such as a box needs to be restricting. With the power of geometry, there are many possibilities to create designs based on a box. Essentially, in this motion graphics project I use a box to think outside of the box.”

Come see the exhibition and vote for your top three favorites! Voting will continue until April 6 and the exhibition celebration and awards ceremony will be held on April 9, from 7-9 p.m.