by Melanie Hodges, Communications Intern
In elementary school we took the typical field trips to the Cincinnati Zoo, museums and parks. I am telling you this, because it was at this age I had my first experience at the Miami University Art Museum (MUAM).
I cannot tell you about the galleries and I cannot tell you about the things I learned. Back then, I was just a child and wanted to learn visually, completely ignoring the historical background and significance of the pieces.
More than 10 years later, I made my way back to MUAM for an interview hoping to fill one of their summer intern positions. As a strategic communications major, I thought interning at the museum would give me great experience and a chance to work with a venue I had little to no knowledge about.
With proper interview etiquette, I arrived 15-20 minutes early. My potential supervisor, Sherri Krazl, coordinator of Marketing and Communications, suggested I explore the galleries until my interview time arrived.
I would not consider myself an expert when it comes to art — actually a complete amateur if I’m being honest. But I love to learn and understand an artist’s thought process throughout their work. I was previously unaware that the first gallery consisted of local high school artists and their pieces. There were a variety of mediums such as clay, paint, metal, etc. The quality of the works were so advanced I thought they were by college students. I realized these students had the same high school art teacher that I had once I read the artist’s/pieces information.
I continued walking through the museum into the next gallery, Seldom Seen: Fun & Quirky, where I was greeted by a grinning giant.
Each piece in this gallery was unique, and when I say unique that’s an understatement. I can’t explain in words how astoundingly creative this gallery was. The atmosphere was inspiring. I wanted to learn about each and every piece.
I only made it about halfway through Seldom Seen: Fun & Quirky before I was called in for my interview. Fortunately, I was accepted for the position!
Since starting my internship, there is one main problem I see: public awareness for the museum. Many do not know about the museum or have never made a visit, but those same people (such as myself) who eventually make a visit end up falling in love with a piece or an entire gallery and keep coming back for more.
In closing, I would encourage you to check this place out when the galleries re-open on August 30 and until then you can visit the sculpture park – open year round.