Wheel Share

Track 1, 5:45 PM

CLIENT: Dr. Vaskar Raychoudhury
Wheelchair users often meet different complicated road situations in their daily life, high-speed road, crossing without traffic signals, bad surfaces, high incline slope, etc. Besides, surface identification is not a considerable element in most routing generation research. Wheelchair users cannot always find a safe and fast route to the destination by themselves.
We propose to build a novel system called WheelShare, which uses machine learning to classify surfaces into accessible and uses that knowledge to generate accessible routes for wheelchair users. This project can help wheelchair users arrive at their destination safely and quickly which means this Application will help users avoid broken, inaccessible, huge slope road surfaces and accessible entrances of their destination. At the same time, Our mobile application will collect Gyroscope and Accelerometer data when the user uses the navigation function and contributes them to OSM for road surface recognition. This project includes identifying the type of surface and inclines to be important features to determine accessibility and building smartphone applications for collecting data and navigation.
Mingyuan Zhuang, Junwei Li, Ce Zhang, and Zheng Cao

2 thoughts on “Wheel Share

    1. Ce,
      Yes, I agree with you in general. Many teams could have used a little more time. I hope it went well for you thought or as well as could be expected. Thank you. Prof. Stahr

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