2023 Geoffrion Fellowship Project: We Are Talking About Authority

February 27th, 2024 § Comments Off on 2023 Geoffrion Fellowship Project: We Are Talking About Authority § permalink

Trailer for the podcast for the Geoffrion Fellowship Project of 2023

We are the 2022-2023 Geoffrion Undergraduate Fellows. For our group project this year we have been focusing on the theme of Contesting Authority, which has also been the theme of the Altman seminar for the humanities. Throughout the course we took together last semester, and our individual ongoing research projects, we have thought and written a great deal on various topics of Contesting Authority, and we thought that, for our group project, we should share our thoughts with you all and the public. To that end, we have put together a podcast series discussing our individual topics, the topics covered in our lectures and seminars, and how we have connected them. We’ve covered topics as diverse as American history, Soviet and post-Soviet historical revisionism, Hannah Arendt’s theories on authority, and a metacritical look at our own course and lectures.