Episode 2: Authority in the Soviet and Post Soviet World

February 27th, 2024 Comments Off on Episode 2: Authority in the Soviet and Post Soviet World

In the episode by Liam Martin and Alyssa Benson, they apply their interpretations about authority from class, seminars, and lectures to the Soviet and post-Soviet world. In particular, they focus on how analyzing the Soviet Union and its legacy offers insight into the ways that leaders manipulate history, the way that leaders interact with ideologies, and how ethnic identities influence regional politics in the present. In a broad ranging discussion that connects Stalin’s attempts to erase the Holodomor from history to Putin’s attempts to deny Ukrainian history and identity, they show how models of authority can succeed and fail to explain the uniqueness of Soviet history. 

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You are currently reading Episode 2: Authority in the Soviet and Post Soviet World at The 2022-2023 Altman Program: Contesting Authority.
