Helpful info: Webinars!

If you want to host a meeting with hundreds of participants, Zoom Webinar is an easy way to engage with an audience without unnecessary distractions. Webinar hosts can designate a few participants (panelists) to share screens and audio content. Webinars do allow hosts to unmute attendees, but in general participants are mostly there to listen to one or more presenters.

Webinars are ideal for large audiences or events that are open to the public. Typically, webinar attendees do not interact with one another. This is a great idea for events like panel events or featured readings. Not sure how you should host your event? Zoom has great content on their site about whether you should choose a Meeting or Webinar.

In our Miami domain, we have two available licenses. That means you need to request permission to host a webinar.

Request a Zoom Webinar.

Also see this blog post about participant limits in all of our web conferencing tools, including Webex, Zoom, and Google Meet.