Department Forms for Faculty and Staff

Web Profile Update Icon

Faculty/Staff Web Profile Update Form

This form is used to update your department faculty web page profile and to let University Communications and Marketing know of any changes in contact information.

University Directory Update Icon

Faculty/Staff University Directory Update

Use this link to update your office location information with the university-wide directory. If your position/title or name is incorrect, please consult with Academic Affairs as soon as possible to correct your internal university record. You must click the red login button on the left side of the Directory when the page opens (after you click through the above link.)

Name Tag Request Icon

University Name Tag Request

Use this link to request an official university name tag for official university recognition at events and student recruitment activities. You will need a departmental index code first in order to pay for the name tag. Please consult with your department office manager or chair for the index code to use. Deliveries will be made via campus mail.

University Portrait Request icon

Official University Portrait Request

Use this link to request an official university portrait for web page profiles and for professional use related to your academic career. Photos are taken by the university’s photographers in University Communications and Marketing.