Major in Spanish Declared Between Spring Semester 2019 and Summer 2022

The Spanish major consists of 36 credit hours above the 200 level:

Core courses (take all three):

SPN 311 – Grammar Review and Introductory Composition
SPN 312 – Introduction to Spanish Language/Linguistics
SPN 315 – Intro to Hispanic Literatures

Required intermediate courses:

SPN 351 – Cultural History of Spain I
or SPN 361 – Spanish American Cultural History I


SPN 352 – Cultural History of Spain II
or SPN 362 – Spanish American Cultural History II


SPN 381 – Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture I
or SPN 382 – Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture II

Advanced courses (choose two):

SPN 450 – Topics in Hispanic Culture and Language
SPN 451 – Spanish Cultural Studies
SPN 454 – Don Quixote
SPN 461 – Spanish American Film, Visual, and Digital Studies
SPN 462 – Contemporary Spanish American Literature
SPN 463 – Spanish American Interdisciplinary Studies
SPN 481 – Spanish Phonology and Syntax
SPN 482 – Language Variation in Spanish
SPN 483 – History of the Spanish Language
SPN 484 – Second Language Acquisition: Spanish

Elective courses (choose three):

Any 300-level or 400-level course from the department (including POR 381 or POR 383), except for 370L. 370L is ineligible because it is taught in English.

Capstone Course:

SPN 490 – Issues in Hispanic Literature, Linguistics, or Culture

Total Credit Hours = 36