Major in Spanish Declared Before Spring Semester 2019

(36 semester hours in SPN, plus 17 related hours)

Note: SPN 101, SPN 102, SPN 111, SPN 201, SPN 202 or SPN 203, and SPN 211, do not count in the required 36 hours.

Required courses

SPN 311 – Grammar Review and Introductory Composition 3
SPN 312 – Introduction to Spanish Language/Linguistics 3
SPN 315 – Intro to Hispanic Literatures 3

Select one of the following sequences:

SPN 351 & SPN 352 – Cultural History of Spain I and Cultural History of Spain II
SPN 361 & SPN 362 – Spanish American Cultural History I – and Spanish American Cultural History II
SPN 381 & SPN 382 – Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture I and Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture II

Select nine hours of the following (at least 6 hours at 400/500 level):

SPN 420 – Selected Topics in Literature and Culture: Spain
SPN 430 – Selected Topics in Literature and Culture: Spanish America
SPN 440 – Selected Topics in Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture
SPN 450/550 – Topics in Hispanic Culture and Language
SPN 451/551 – Studies in Spanish Narrative
SPN 454/554 – Don Quixote
SPN 461/561 – Studies in Spanish American Narrative
SPN 462/562 – Studies in Modern Spanish American Drama
SPN 463/563 – Studies in Spanish American Poetry
SPN 481/581 –  Spanish Phonology and Syntax
SPN 482/582 – Spanish Dialectology
SPN 483/583 – History of the Spanish Language
SPN 484/584 – Second Language Acquisition: Spanish

Select the following:

SPN 490 – Issues in Hispanic Literature, Linguistics, or Culture

Select nine hours of the following:

SPN 316 – Intermediate Spanish Composition
SPN 317 – Business Spanish
SPN 318 – Introduction to Hispanic Film
SPN 331 – Spanish for Community Work
SPN 341 – Advanced Conversational Spanish (Prerequisite has been changed to SPN 311)
SPN 342 – Advanced Conversational Spanish
SPN 351 – Cultural History of Spain I
SPN 352 – Cultural History of Spain II
SPN 361 – Spanish American Cultural History I
SPN 362 – Spanish American Cultural History II
SPN 370 – Topics in Hispanic Studies
SPN 381 – Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture I
SPN 382 – Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture II
Or select any 400-level SPN course

Related hours

POR 111 – Accelerated Introduction to Portuguese 4
POR 211 –  Intermediate Portuguese 4

Select nine hours of the following1:

ART 317 – The Arts of Colonial Latin America
ATH 305 – Latin America: Anthropological Perspectives
ATH 313 – Latin American Archaeology
HST 307 – Latin American Civilization – Colonial Period
LAS/SPN 332 – Latin American Popular Culture
POL 337 – Politics of Latin America
POL 378 – Latin America: The Region and the World
Any Latin American Studies course
Any literature or linguistics course in the English department

Total Credit Hours: 36 + 17

1May also include any courses in another foreign language, ancient or modern

Students with specific needs can work out other plans of related hours with their advisors. A second major substitutes for the 17 related hours.

Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in Spanish meet the College of Arts and Science writing in the major requirement by completing SPN 315 and SPN 490.