Work/Study Habits – Group Study

Group studies can help one to understand materials and focus on tasks. It also provides many opportunities of help and feedback in the form of other group members which serves to increase the quality of one’s work and of your peer’s work as well. Working in a group may become quite effective for some students.


S: I want to study with a group that I had joined from 3-4pm every day after school.

M: This is measurable as group sessions are timed for 3-4pm each day.

A: This is achievable as the group adjusts sessions if needed and communicates with members in the event one is unable to attend.

R: This would help to improve the quality of the work that I am working on due to feedback and help from other students and is also a means of help when I don’t understand course materials.

T: I want to keep doing this for the next month.

More on group studying