Time Management – Procrastination

Procrastination is a common problem that many people struggle with. Despite knowing that postponing work last minute people still procrastinate. Most people procrastinate because they want to manage how they feel about a certain task at the moment rather than later. Procrastination stems from many factors, such as fear of failure due to one’s ability, being overwhelmed, lacking motivation or being easily distracted. There are many ways to deal with procrastination, such as breaking large grueling tasks into smaller manageable steps, planning ahead, or even by changing your environment by removing distractions or having visual reminders of your goals. Here is a SMART goal to help with procrastination:

S: I want to reduce procrastination by breaking up my work into smaller task

M: Will track this by writing down what that big overall task is and then identify what can be broken into smaller tasks then write them down. 

A: I can achieve this goal by following what I wrote down and work on the smallest task first then end on the biggest one last.

R: This goal is important because it will help me build consistency and discipline when come to completing my work

T: I want to achieve this goal by the end of the semester so I can understand how to divide up work and turn it in on time.

Here is a resource to learn more about procrastination: