Time Management – Limiting Screen Time

Nowadays we are surrounded by many distractions like our phones, computers, TV’s and many more. In 2023 the average screen time is 6 hour 58 minutes and the average attention span has dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds today. Reducing screentime can be an important part of getting work done since you can allocate wasted time to work/tasks that can get done. Reducing screen time allows your brain to slow down and focus unlike the fast paced indulgence on social media or video games. Prolonged reduced screen time can increase your focus/attention and also regulate emotion and help you better organized your thoughts and organization.

One thing that people don’t consider is the physical effect that prolonged screen time can cause. Obesity is one of many things that can be caused by time management because of the sedentary nature of the activity. Sleep is another thing that can be negatively impacted by screen time. Bright screens can reduce the production of melatonin in the body when trying fall asleep since your body expects you to be in a dark room this in turn leaves you struggling to sleep and keeping you awake.

Here is an example SMART goal to tackle screen time:

S: I want to reduce my screen time down to a maximum of of 2-3 hours per day

M: I will track my daily screen time on an app or through my phone’s screen time tracker if it has one.

A: This goal is achievable as I am already aware of the negative effects of excessive screen time and have identified specific actions to reduce it.

R:  Limiting screen time is relevant to my overall health and well-being, as well as my productivity and ability to focus on other more important activities.

T:  Within the next month I want to get in the habit of putting my phone down when I need to and do more productive things. 

If you want to learn more about limiting screen time here are some resources:

Health Benefits of Reducing Your Screen Time

Can Too Much Screen Time Harm You?

The Negative Effects of Screen Time for Adults and Children

Alarming Average Screen Time Statistics (2023)