Sleep – Relaxing

Sleep is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and improve your mood and mental health when you get enough of it. By practicing relaxation techniques before bedtime to reduce stress and unwind, you can calm your mind and body and promote better sleep. This SMART goal is designed to help you achieve that. By setting aside 10 minutes every night to do deep breathing, meditation, or yoga, choosing a relaxation technique that suits you and doing it in a comfortable and quiet place, starting tonight, and continuing for at least four weeks, you can make relaxation a part of your daily routine.


S: Practice relaxation techniques before bedtime to reduce stress and unwind.
M: Set aside 10 minutes every night to do deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.
A: Choose a relaxation technique that suits me and do it in a comfortable and quiet place.
R: Relaxation techniques will help me calm my mind and body and promote better sleep.
T: Start tonight and continue for at least four weeks.


Harvard Health
