Our Collaborative has collectively shared success in publishing in peer-reviewed journals, attaining grant awards, bringing in well-known scholars in the field, presenting at national conferences, and more. See our many accomplishments below.
Keynote Speakers Hosted:
- 2022: Dr. Nathaniel Bryan
- 2021: Dr. Cheryl Matias
- 2019: Dr. Sonia Nieto
- 2019: Dr. Bettina Love
- 2018: Dr. Richard Milner

Co-Taught and Co-Developed Lesson/Lecture/Activity Topics:
- Social justice teaching among students with disabilities in EDP 256
- Latinx students and sexuality in FSW 365
- Gender and sexuality in Education and Inclusion and Access in EDT 190; Chicana Feminism and Sports in KNH 676
- Race and Athletics in Higher Education in EDT 205
- Gender and Sexuality in Middle Schools in EDT 252M
- Pedagogies of Care in Education in EDT 252M
- School Choice and Education Policy in EDT 190
- Chicana Feminism and Leadership EDL 762
- Critical Race Theory and Disability Studies and DisCrit EDL 204/EDP 256
- Mascots and Native American Imagery in EDL 204
- and more!
External Grants:
SJTC Member Roles: PI/Co-PI. (2020; unfunded). Preparing Teachers to Engage in Justice and Equity-Oriented Practices for Social Change. Spencer Foundation-Large Grant, Amount Requested $495,522.
Internal Grants:
Radina, R., Rothrock, R., Aronson, B., & Johnson, A.. ($4,000, 2021). The College of Education, Health & Society’s Interdisciplinary Teaching and Curriculum Grant: The Social Justice Teaching Collaborative (SJTC): Developing an Interdisciplinary, Social Justice Curriculum to Address Concerns of “How to Teach.”
Rothrock, R., Aronson, B., & Reyes, G. ($4,995, 2021). The College of Education, Health & Society’s Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grant: The Social Justice Teaching Collaborative (SJTC) Completion of Pilot Study & Application to Spencer Large Grant.
Aronson, B., Reyes, G., & Rothrock, R. ($1,500, 2020). EHS Mentoring Grant—Professional Development Writing Support Group, Role: Co-PI.
Aronson, B, Reyes, G., Batchelor, K., Wronowski, M., Rothrock, R., & Radina, R. ($10,000, 2019) EHS Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grant.
Wronowski, M. Aronson, B. Reyes, G. Radina, R., Batchelor, K., Rothrock, R., & Rind, G. (revise & resubmit). Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of Social Justice Teacher Education. The Teacher Educator.
Banda, R., Fernandez, E., Aronson, B., & Reyes, G. (Accepted). “This ain’t new, so back us up”: Critical race composite counterstories as resistance during an anti-CRT climate in teacher education. Thresholds in Education.
Coomer, N., Cartell Johnson, A., Aronson, B., & Reyes, G. (In press). Coalition with/in the boundaries: A radical love response to neoliberal debilitation in special education. In D.I. Hernández-Saca, H. Pearson, & C. Kramarczuk Voulgarides. (Eds.). Understanding the boundaries between disability studies and special education through consilience, self-study, and radical love. Lexington Books. (Editorially-Reviewed)
Cartell Johnson, A., Kelly, M. (2021). The social justice teaching collaborative: A collective turn towards critical teacher education. In A. Markelz, (Ed.), TED 2021 Conference Proceedings: Steering into the Future (pp 192-197). Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, Fort Worth, TX.
Reyes, G., Aronson, B., Batchelor, K. E., Ross, G., & Radina, R. (2021). Working in Solidarity: An intersectional self-study methodology as a means to inform social justice teacher education. Action in Teacher Education, 43(3), 353-369. (Acceptance Rate: 9%: 2020 CiteScore 1.1; H Index 24; 2020 SJ Ranking 0.49; Quartile 2; Contribution: 20%; Journal website views: 112; Cited by: 2)
Aronson, B., Banda, R., Cartell Johnson, A., Kelly, M. Radina, R., Reyes, R., Sander, S., & Wronowski, M. (2020). The Social Justice Teaching Collaborative: A collective turn towards critical teacher education. Journal of Curriculum Studies Research, 2(2), 21-39. https://doi.org/10.46303/jcsr.2020.8 (Impact Factor 1.484; Cited by 7)
Reyes, G., & Sander, S. (2019). Tensions between urgency and scaffolding students into social justice education: Keeping an open mind as researchers. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue: The Annual Journal for the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, 21(1&2), 123–126. (Acceptance Rate: 35-40%; Contribution: 50%; Academia.edu/ResearchGate views: 65; Cited by: 1)
Reyes, G., Radina, R., & Aronson, B. (2018). Teaching Against the Grain as an Act of Love: Disrupting White Eurocentric Masculinist Frameworks Within Teacher Education. The Urban Review, 50(5), 818-835. (Current Journal Impact: 1.894, Acceptance rate 6-10%)
Aronson, B, Batchelor, K. E., Radina, R., Reyes, G., & Ross, G. (2018). Making the familiar strange: Crossing disciplinary borders to foster self-study and critical reflexivity within a social justice curriculum. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.) Pushing Boundaries and Crossing Borders: Self-study as a Means for Researching Pedagogy (pp. 303-310). Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices. (Peer-Reviewed)
Works In Progress
Banda, R. M. & Reyes, G. (Revise and Resubmit). Caring for ourselves first: A Chicana feminist approach to co-teaching during times of crisis. Teaching in Higher Education. (Acceptance Rate: 15%; 2020 Journal Impact: 3.008; 2020 CiteScore 1.3; H Index: 57; SJ Ranking: 1.06; Quartile: 1)
Reyes, G., Aronson, B., Senkowski, V., Radina, R. (In preparation; writing manuscript). “It takes a village” Collaborative Approaches to Social Justice in Teacher Education. Teaching Education (Journal Impact: 3.18 (2017); H Index 20; SJ Ranking 0.56; Quartile 2)
Aronson, B., Batchelor, K., Wronowski, M., Radina, R., Reyes, G., & Banda, R. (in preparation). “The Path to Social Justice: A Mixed Methods Study of Critical Teacher Education.” American Educational Research Journal (Journal Impact: RG Impact Factor: 1.10)
Conference Presentations
Banda, R. M. & Reyes, G. (2021). Co-teaching to Sustain: A Chicana/Latina Feminist Approach to Navigating a Double Pandemic. Paper presented at the American Educational Studies Association annual conference, Portland, OR.
Aronson, B., Reyes, G., Radina, R., Wronowski, M., Rothrock, R. M., & Rind G.* (2019). Grassroots mobilization in a “post-truth” environment: Establishing social justice at the core of teacher education. Paper presentation for the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, CA.
Reyes, G., Sander, S., Aronson, B., Radina, R., Saultz, A., Johnson, A., & Kelly, M. (February, 2018). Developing and evaluating an interdisciplinary curriculum focused on social justice in preservice teacher education. Association of Teacher Education (ATE), Las Vegas, NV.
Reyes, G., Aronson, B., Sander, S., Radina, R., Saultz, A., Johnson, A., & Kelly, M. (November, 2017). (De)constructing traditional teacher education to (re)construct social justice teacher education. American Educational Studies Association (AESA), Pittsburgh, PA.
Sander, S., Leafgren, S., Reyes, G., & Radina, R. (March, 2018). The mission to radically re-imagine teacher education: Disrupting the real. Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U), San Diego, CA.
Aronson, B., Reyes, G., Radina, R., Wronowski, M., Rothrock, R., & Rind, G. (April, 2019). Grassroots mobilization in a “Post-truth” environment: Establishing social justice at the core of teacher education. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.
Aronson, B., Reyes, G., Batchelor, K., Radina, R., & Genesis, R. (November, 2019). A self-study of social justice: How critical community building amongst colleagues builds solidarity. American Educational Studies Association (AESA), Baltimore, MD.
Cartell Johnson, A., Kelly, M. (November, 2021). The social justice teaching collaborative: A collective turn towards critical teacher education. Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children (TED CEC), Fort Worth, TX.