SJTC faculty have engaged and collaborated around multiple courses across departments. The current core set of courses that have been redesigned to build from and on each other include: TCE* 190, EDL 204, EDL 318, and EDP 256. The following curricula map lays out the ways these courses have been linked. *Formerly EDT

Overview of Core Courses
TCE 190 (formerly EDT 190) is a foundational course that opens up conversations around diversity and inclusion for EDL 204 to contextualize schools as institutions that reproduce inequality. TCE 190 focuses on students learning to think and self-reflect critically (about teachers, teaching, and schooling) which allows EDL 204 to concentrate on curriculum, social foundations, and history. Both courses include non-teaching majors and situates everyone as members of a learning community. One goal we have for these courses is to teach the differences between curriculum, pedagogy, social foundations, and why Democracy is important to American education. EDL 318 is only taken by Early Childhood (ECE), Middle Childhood Education (MCE), and inclusive education majors and is a curriculum course centered on teacher leadership and curriculum development.
TCE 190: Introduction to Education
This introductory course explores the purposes, organizations, and outcomes of schooling from the perspectives of the field of social foundations of education. Framed around the Teacher Education Mission and Vision statements at Miami University, candidates undertake critical inquiry into teaching as a profession. We explore historical, philosophical, and contemporary purposes of schooling in order to open up new possibilities for students and teachers in a complex, multicultural, and democratic society situated within an interdependent world.
Introduction to Education (EDT 190) at Miami University is designed to scaffold students into professional conversations about diversity and inclusion. We look to challenge deficit thinking about aspects of diversity like race, class, and gender in order to prepare teachers with cultural consciousness and competence. EDT 190 is intended to help lifelong students examine their identity and positionality, grapple with issues of power and privilege, and consider what needs to be learned, unlearned, and relearned to become a transformative teacher.
EDL 204* Sociocultural Studies in Education
Introduction to the field of social foundations of education using humanities and cultural studies approaches to investigate education in a diverse and democratic nation. IIB, IC. *Global Miami Plan Course
EDL 318: Teacher Leadership (ECE, MCE & Inclusive Special Ed)
This course is designed to challenge and shape each student’s conceptions of school organization, school culture, professional development, teaching, curriculum, and school leadership. This course will encourage the development of personal and professional theoretical frameworks and practical tools for helping beginning teachers become leaders who teach, make decisions, create curriculum, conduct inquiry, build community, and practice democracy. This course is designed to give students of teaching multiple opportunities to situate themselves as people with personal and professional identities, growing to meet the demands of a diverse public, a competitive marketplace, and a complex moral and ethical milieu in the cultures of schools.
EDP 256: Psychology of the Exceptional Learner
Critical analysis of human beings considered exceptional (outside the norm) in learning and behavior. Topics include inter- and intra-individual differences comprising exceptionalities, issues surrounding identification and classification of individuals, society’s responses to exceptional individuals, and societal challenges to develop the human potential of all persons. IIC.