Kayel Pugazhenthi ~ Clifton Library Final

After reading the requirements for this project, the first thing I thought of was the various amount of spaces that we had to fit inside the dimensions that were given to us. I started to organize the spaces based on their respective activity.
Although I wanted to separate these spaces I came to realize that I didn’t want two separate buildings rather, I wanted to have a connecting component that would allow two major spaces come together as one.
The community connection is something I found important to Clifton. When visiting the site, everyone seems to be comfortable and interacting with one another. I wanted to create a design that resembles the importance of a community by providing an open and comfortable environment that would allow people to interact with one another.

Initial Sketches

Site Plan

Floor Plans


Longitudinal South Section and Transverse East Section.


Graphic Vignettes


Interior Perspectives

Exterior Perspectives