Clifton Library Final Project

View from Howell Street

My concept for the Clifton Library project was circulation and Sustainability. My idea was to focus on gaining the most sunlight within my building. Therefore, I focused on on the South East corner of the site and worked to the back corner (North West corner). Then to allow more light into the buildings I divided them to allow light wells, and create more outdoor space for gardens, thus bringing in the Sustainability aspect of my project.

Parti Diagram

Plan View (Left) Axon View (Right)



East-West Section
North-South Section


East Elevation
West Elevation

Exterior Perspectives

View from Howell Street
View from Howell Street
View from Ludlow Street

Interior Perspectives

From Third Floor balcony look on to second floor
From Third Floor balcony looking on to refreshment bar
From Lobby looking into bookstore area.


Public Thoroughfare

Sustainability Diagrams

This diagram shows how the cuts into the building captures the light from the southern sun.
This diagrams shows the green spaces that divide the buildings, and allow for outdoor space between them.

Night Rendering

Materials Diagram

The upper image shows the use of wood panel throughout the exterior of the building that provides shading within the building. The material is produced by a company called Plexwood, it’s 100% recyclable, made from natural wood, and sustainable. Another special element within the project is a glass fire stair located within the staff building. This allows the staff tons of natural light but also and enjoyable stair to walk up down rather than using the main stairwell.