Clifton Library-Jieping Song

Overview of Clifton Plaza
Beginning Process
Site Plan: 1”=30′
Circulation Diagram
West Façade
East Façade
From Plaza View
View from the Howell Avenue
Material Board
Interiors on F3&F4
F3-F4 Experience View
Walking on the stairs to F4
Big Bookshelf Wall
Looking up from F3
View from F4 to F3

Clifton Young Adult Library

Roof Garden Vignette


Libraries have always been public spaces of learning, facilitating multiple forms of education, either oral or written knowledge. Going back to the earliest libraries in Athens and Alexandria, libraries have always been spaces that communities went to to join in debate, educated discussion and collaboration. Somewhere along the way, this idea has been lost. Libraries have shifted to individual learning, primarily focused on written knowledge and individual learning. Through the use of Neoclassical proportioning and borrowing from classic sequencing of space and axes this design aims to create a classical library for the modern age.

During the initial stages of the design process, I started by looking to famous library architect, Henri Labrouste. Borrowing from his Bibliotheque Nationale de France, in Paris, my design follows his classic sequences of space. In Labrouste’s Library, one enters through an open courtyard or green space flanked by administrative spaces, which then leads to a series of vestibules that open up to the different programatic spaces of the structure. However following the central axis of the space one would be lead into the large reading room, behind which would reside the majority of the book stacks accessible only by the staff. This design proposal for the Clifton Young Adult Library follows an abstracted version of this sequence with a focus on axes.






Children’s Reading Loft Vignette

Clifton Young Adult Library // Isabella Reardon Ramos

Library as a temple

South Elevation
North Elevation
Southeast Isometric
Northwest Isometric
Site Plan
Concept Collage: Precedent
Concept Collage: Circulation/Organization
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
West Section
North Section
View from the 3rd Floor Chancel
View from the 3rd Floor Entrance (North Entrance)

Clifton Library

The big idea behind my design is separating spaces by their noise level while creating a circulation pattern between the two separate spaces. The circulation pattern will allow light to come into the spaces that require it the most. Another goal behind my design is to have a strong connection to the Clifton Plaza and incorporate the idea of “being aware of what is happening in the moment.” 


Clifton Young Adult Library-Ruotong Bai

Concept /Parti Diagram

Site Plan

Floor Plans

Exterior Elevations

Building Sections

Exterior Perspectives

Intreior Perspectives



Ian Bushong Clifton Library Final

Site Plan

Axonometric View

Floor Plans


Section Views


Interior Perspectives

South Entrance

Outside Views

Plaza Entrance
Howell Road Entrance

Ben Kollmann – Clifton Young Adult Library Final

Clifton Young Adult Library

Site Plan

Concept Statement

My parti diagram represents my concept of the relationship between the space in a forest and the different sound and activity levels.

By understanding how closely linked the site was to the Clifton Plaza, an outdoor park, I aimed to carry certain elements of a park into my building. Details such as the open atrium, outdoor spaces such as a roofgarden and the visible columns that extend throughout my structure symbolizing that of forest trees.




Exterior Perspectives

Interior Perspectives

