Caroline Ferrazza| Clifton Library Project

My concept is connection. There is a need for community and the need for interconnectedness with the natural and built environment. Architecture should create a link between people and the natural environment, an innate connection that has lost its potency in society. This library and any new constructions should minimize their impact on the ecosystem, for example by displacing rather than destroying nature through the use of green roofs and living walls, thus contributing to the environment rather than draining and dominating the environment. This is achieved through meeting the needs of people, among which is social interaction.  These goals must be achieved through consideration of design at all scales, from a single detail to a city, for example the design should provide social opportunities through the integration of program, circulation space, and interior and exterior common areas. Interconnections between the community created by the building and landscape are of vital importance; however, connections to the community beyond the building are also important.

Site Plan
process sketches