Clifton Library – Nicholas Kierstead

Concept Statement

The main concept for this library was to organize everything around a central spiraling ramp that serves as the main circulation as well as the stacks area. The unusual shape presented structural difficulties that led to the decision to use two diagrids braced with beams internal to the ramp. I looked at precedents from Norman Foster and Bernard Tschumi. The spiral structure and diagrid also calls back to the visuals of my Clifton Plaza Project.






Clifton Library Concept Work

My library design was built around the organizational idea of a central helical ramp. The aesthetics of the building are based off of my Clifton Plaza project, the circulation system and diagonal mullions are a reference to the structure of that project.

Preliminary floor plans: the arrow indicated the main circulation ramp that connects the whole building. The open courtyard space in the center of the buildings holds the egress stairs.

Preliminary renderings and bubble diagrams. Here the form of the building can be seen withing the context of the site.

Clifton Plaza

This project was a redesign of an open plaza in Clifton. It was focused on create a place that could be used for concerts and other formal community gatherings but also be a pleasant place to visit informally. The goal was to create a space that would preserve elements that had already been proven to bring the community together, but also to smooth out some of the rough edges of the existing plaza.