Clifton Library ~ Mollie McNally


The main concept for my Clifton Library is to develop a direct connection to my Plaza design by manipulating the same form to create a circulation path where one can feel their movement in relationship to the building as a whole and overall context of the site. The solid formation of my plaza used to separate program and suggest movement within the space becomes the void in my Library through a series of diagonal crossing bridges that connect the program across the atrium. Overlapping in nature, the walkways allow users to experience the same space from a variety of level which speaks to the sloping nature of the site and the evolution of the library typology overtime.






Clifton Library Development-Mollie McNally


Site Plan with Thoughforfare





Clifton Library Concept Pin-Up: Mollie McNally

My concept for Clifton Library revolves around a building as a connector of nature. I extracted the “L” shape from my primary plaza seating and continued these lines of extension to form my atrium and circulation path for my library. I saw both the plaza and library as central community pieces and wanted to integrate the two. My library entrances are marked with large outdoor spaces that reveal the shape of the internal circulation path. These natural forms join with the “L” formation through the facade that mirrors the slope of the site and structural elements.

Initial Concept Sketches

Site Context

Building Form

Program Massing

Beginning Plans and Section

Clifton Plaza: Mollie McNally

My concept for Clifton Plaza centers around the “L” shape formed along the block with intersection of Ludlow Avenue and Telford Street. This geometry along with the plaza was one of the few openings in the rows of buildings. I reflected this “L” shape throughout the site along lines of extension from existing site conditions to create defined social areas. These areas remained flexible by providing furniture that folds down from a geometric storage unit and a modular cube that can be used as a table, chair, or bar.