Clifton Library Final Kayla Smith

The design I created for this library started out with me thinking about how to create a space that is comfortable and simple but intriguing. I wanted my building to have a lot of natural light highlighting my elements inside. I also wanted to connect Clifton Plaza with my design creating a space that flows.

Concept Sketches

Site Plan

Clifton Plaza, Cincinatti Ohio





Exterior Views

Interior Views


Clifton Library Development Kayla Smith

Building on Site

Finished Floor Plans

Dotted blue line represents circulation on each level.




Light Grey: EDPM roofing
Darker Gray: Teakwood or Redwood
Glass: Float Glass

Clifton Library Concept Kayla Smith

The design I created for this library started out with me thinking about how to create a space that is comfortable and simple but intriguing. I wanted my building to have a lot of natural light highlighting my elements inside. I also wanted to connect Clifton Plaza with my design creating a space that flows.

Concept Sketches

Beginning Floor Plans

First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Third Floor Plan


Red blocks are vertical circulation
Grey blocks are the spaces on each floor