Clifton Library : Julia Bohlen

Clifton is a vibrant neighborhood with a strong sense of community which will be enhanced through the addition of the Clifton Young Adult Library. The library is meant to serve as an extension of the Clifton plaza and the library originates from the geometries and experiences created in the design of the Plaza. The library is created through the layering of modules with angles derived from the Plaza. As in my Plaza design, the pentagon geometries transform into squares on the interior where the library contains a central core of program elements that falls where the layers overlap and circulation surrounding this core. As the goal is to create a community space, the routes of circulation force users of the library to travel throughout the building and linger, rather than pass through. Throughout the library there are several levels and many opportunities for spaces and impromptu gathering areas, including outdoor terraces. The thoroughfare from the plaza to Howell mirrors the “zig-zag” circulation found within the plaza.

Exterior Rendering: Howell Entrance
Exterior Rendering: View from Ludlow/Plaza

Clifton Library // Development

Site Plan
Site Section

Concept // Julia Bohlen

My solution for Clifton Library draws upon several library precedents, my plaza design, and explores new realities for a library and community space.  The form of my library has taken on the shape of books stacked upon one another, making reference to the importance of literature and its ability to unite humans into a community.  The forms of the overlapping “books” will be made of repeating modules carefully layered upon each other. This form creates a variety of dynamic interior and exterior spaces within the building and mirrors the creation of unique experiences found in the squares of my plaza design.  Drawing from the Joan Maragall library, my design becomes an extension of the plaza with a clear connection to the space. Elements for this library are also inspired by Book Mountain, which uses an interior core to house the major program elements, and includes circulation that revolves around the core and reading space that surround this core of spaces. 



Site Section


These plans represent the major spaces on each floor, including the core in which they are enclosed. They also show the floors below and opportunities for outdoor terraces.

Clifton Plaza//Julia Bohlen

Clifton Plaza is a pocket park located in the Clifton Neighborhood of Cincinnati. The space is well-visited and is a beloved gathering space for the community. In order to maintain the interactive nature of the space, my concept incorporates all five senses in a literal way by creating pentagon parti dedicated to each sense, with spaces for each of the senses, including visual optical illusions, a stage, sensory gardens, modular seating, and a bar area. Each of these individual spaces, in combination with each other create a space where the community can engage with the elements of the plaza and with each other.