Clifton Young Adult Library//Esther Amonor

My approach to this design started with the idea of slope and light. For my precedent library, I studied the Delft University Library of Technology in the Netherlands. A key feature that I wanted to encapture from that library to mine was the slope. Another important factor in my concept is the enhancement of natural light. Since the site is facing South, I wanted to take advantage of the amount of natural sunlight coming in. My library is designed to appear to be opening up to the sun.

Site Plan

Process Work


Floor Plans




Interior/Exterior Perspectives

Clifton Library//Esther Amonor

My approach to this design started with the idea of slope and light. For my precedent library, I studied the Delft University Library of Technology in the Netherlands. A key feature that I wanted to encapture from that library to mine was the slope. Another important factor in my concept is the enhancement of natural light. Since the site is facing South, I wanted to take advantage of the amount of natural sunlight coming in. I have developed two designs that best depict my concept.


Volumetric Organization

Program Massing

Site Section
