Clifton Community Center

Danielle Young

Concept: Void and Fill

There is an interesting relationship between solid structures and the voids they create; this particular relationship is what I wanted to explore. In the process of designing, I have created multiple spaces where the three volumes intersect. My design explores space through what is there and what is not.

Site Plan


Floor Plans


Building Materials Diagram

Graphic Vignettes

Exterior Perspectives

Interior Perspective

Clifton Community Center & Library

Designer: Danielle Young

Sketch with inspiration form Plaza Design: static vs dynamic

 For my plaza, I saw the actions that took place in the space: dynamic movement and static movement.
In creating these forms, I found an interesting relationship with void and fill, and curvature and orthogonal structures.

All of these sketches are explorations of void and fill



Combining Design & Volumetric Organization

Site Analysis


A look at redesigning the Clifton residents’ living-room.

Danielle Young 2020

Current image of the South end of the plaza.

When looking at this unique space in Clifton, I had realized it was used as a passage way and a sitting space. These two types of movement-dynamic and static-became my design inspiration. I looked to emphasize the difference between those moving through and those enjoying the view.