Floor Plans

Concept Statement

When approaching this project, I began by considering how the design could connect Clifton Plaza with Howell Street. In order to create a fluid path, I decided on the diagonally split form. The trapezoid shape of the two components reference my Clifton Plaza design. I wanted the plaza to flow into the library with the continuation of green space on the second level. The individual skylight components came out of the desire for each room to be comfortable and desirable for the inhabitants. The most public program elements are placed on the outside of the building and I tried to delineate each element in the East facade making them easier to identify from the outside.

Site Plan

Floor Plans



Clifton Library Concept/ Claire Lamphear

When approaching this project, I began by considering how the design could connect Clifton Plaza with Howell Street. In order to create a fluid path, I decided on the diagonally split form. The trapezoid shape of the two components reference my Clifton Plaza design. I wanted the plaza to flow into the library with the continuation of green space on the second level. The incorporation of natural light and green balconies is something I have been focusing on. The individual skylight components came out of this desire for each room to be comfortable and desirable for the inhabitants. The most public program elements are placed on the outside of the building and I tried to delineate each element in the facade making them easier to identify from the outside.


Volumetric Organization

Site Section
