Clifton Young Adult Library – Kara Saxe

Concept: The goal for my library is to create a space that contrasts from the busy city that surrounds it. The library utilizes and builds around the environment and nature of the location. This library is a place to allow quiet rest, studying, and reading.

Clifton Plaza

The greatest problem with Clifton Plaza was its lack of character and identity that is so rich in the Clifton neighborhood. We began the design process by making collages and my collage represents many of the other distinguishing features along Ludlow Ave. and beyond.

My design was intended to give Clifton Plaza that sense of identity and character that is so prevalent in the rest of the area. The ribbon-like concrete structure flows through the site creating places for people to sit, kids to play, and it frames views of both the hospital on the south side and the view of Ludlow Avenue on the north. Additionally, the large concrete loops on the north and south side serve as gateways to the different parts of the neighborhood and frames the connection of Ludlow Ave. and Howell St.

Clifton Plaza-Tong Zhao 2020

So for this project, I was inspired by the rice field. Thus, I was mainly focused on curved to make different levels also those levels areas stairs and sitting activity spots. Also, I want to make ADA connect all the stairs then ADA wouldn’t be stuck.


A look at redesigning the Clifton residents’ living-room.

Danielle Young 2020

Current image of the South end of the plaza.

When looking at this unique space in Clifton, I had realized it was used as a passage way and a sitting space. These two types of movement-dynamic and static-became my design inspiration. I looked to emphasize the difference between those moving through and those enjoying the view.

Clifton Plaza//Julia Bohlen

Clifton Plaza is a pocket park located in the Clifton Neighborhood of Cincinnati. The space is well-visited and is a beloved gathering space for the community. In order to maintain the interactive nature of the space, my concept incorporates all five senses in a literal way by creating pentagon parti dedicated to each sense, with spaces for each of the senses, including visual optical illusions, a stage, sensory gardens, modular seating, and a bar area. Each of these individual spaces, in combination with each other create a space where the community can engage with the elements of the plaza and with each other.