Clifton Library by Gilbert

Site Plan
Site Context
2D and 3D Parti
Program Detail
Ground Floor on Howe Ave. level. Staff parking, Shipping and Delivery and Mechanical equipment rooms.
Main Floor busiest floor where most communal activities take place but a less active reading spaces.
More quiet and a less active environment than the plaza floor.
For the avid, readers who want a quiet environment or would prefer to enjoy fresh air while reading; this is where it’s at.
Plants on roof! Read , walk, relax and enjoy the ludlow view while you are at it!
Section(West to East)
Section(South to North)
North from Plaza.
East From Parking.
Reading area
Entrance Lobby
Refreshment bar

Book store with book pod on the right for “grab a book, leave a book”.


First Floor on Lower Plaza level.
Green space inspired by Joan Maragall library. Roof structure inspired by MVRDV’s Book Mountain.

West-East Section and North-South Section.
Axonometric view(windows and materials yet to be added)
Perspective looking from hallway toward main entrance on the first floor.
Perspective of Green area overlooking roof.


Grouping the different spaces into categories to find relation.
Parti diagram to create form.
Could not use photoshop to edit out the cars due to limited space on my laptop.
Conceptual first floor plan, plaza level.