Clifton Library Concept. Nicole Pollard.

I am designing my library in brick traditional style with elements of glass paneling. I would like my library to accommodate all ages and serve many purposes, importantly a children’s learning center separated from adult study. I believe outdoor space is needed and to take advantage of using a roof top.




One Reply to “Clifton Library Concept. Nicole Pollard.”

  1. Nicole,

    Saw your post. The graphics are not opening up full size. Please, make sure that the linking points to “Media File” in the context menu as I repeatedly showed in class.

    Not sure you need to put every single thing you have worked on in this submission. We discussed the plans on Monday and suggested you could make some refinements. Eager to see those, as well as your site plan, massing and section.

    The precedent boards need to go to the bottom. They are valuable, but not our main priority for this review.

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