Professional Organizations

Professional organizations and societies can provide you as a Professional Writing student with resources for networking, technical writing, editing, rhetoric, and more. Joining organizations or simply accessing the resources they offer is an important part of professionalization, enabling you to build knowledge and skills and to meet others who share your interests and passions.

Most of these organizations are national or international or are local chapters of national organizations such as the Northeast Ohio Society of Technical Communication. If you’re interested in a field of study and don’t see an organization listed here, talk with your professors and advisor, and they can help you locate an organization.

American Copy Editors Society

American Grant Writers’ Association

American Medical Writers Association

American Society for the History of Rhetoric

American Society of Business Publication Editors

American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors

Association for Teachers of Technical Writing

Central States Communication Association

Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication

IEEE Communications Society

International Association of Business Communicators

International Communication Association

International Digital Media and Arts Association

International Society for the History of Rhetoric

Internet Marketing Association

National Association of Independent Writers and Editors

National Association of Science Writers

National Communication Association

       New York Book Forum

Northeast Ohio Society of Technical Communication

Professional Editors Network

Public Relations Society of America

Publishing Professionals Network

Rhetoric Society of America

SIGDOC: Special Interest Group for the Design of Communications

Society for Editors and Proofreaders

Society for Technical Communication

Society of American Business Editors and Writers

Usability Professionals Association

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