This is what Love and Honor looks like

Miami University Yager Stadium - Student Section 2017

Miami University Yager Stadium Student Section 2017

Miami University Students:

This is what Love and Honor looks like. I saw it Saturday night in the student section of Yager Stadium; the multitude of students who packed the stands were magnified by a unity beyond measure. Thank you to every Miami student who turned out to show our spirit. Your presence and support mean so much to so many; to the team that played their hearts out; to the band, from which Love and Honor resounded in our fight song; to Swoop and the cheer squad that channeled our energy; to the dance team that dazzled us; to the Glee Club that led our National Anthem; to the College of Creative Arts faculty; to the ushers, staff and crew that create an exceptional game day experience; to the memory of Terry Graves ’67; to the many others on hand who received your outpouring of Love and Honor; and to Renate and me. We talk a lot about meaningful connections, and one was made on Saturday night through the enthusiasm, the noise, and the spirit of Love and Honor.

These gatherings are the family outings of the whole Miami family. Athletics, performances, plays, competitions, presentations, service projects, and the many other events we all enjoy together as One Miami. They come with the win-win of supporting others and having a good time ourselves. They express and elevate our thriving community of Love and Honor. They build our friendship, our camaraderie, our generosity, and our care for fellow Miamians. They happen pretty much every day, sometimes with many opportunities in the same evening. Our Miami Experience is richer when we attend as many of them as we can.

Renate and I love attending Miami events because we are grateful to be part of such a family, we admire the gifts of our fellow Miamians, we are inspired by your energy and optimism, and we enjoy your company. They are at the heart of the marvel of Miami: “To think that in such a place I led such a life.” We hope to see you often this semester, and, thank you so much for showing your RedHawk spirit on Saturday night. You’re the best!

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