Ejemplar y Ciertisimo Suceso en la República Mexicana

Current events were not restricted to newspapers that catered to the upper echelon. The seedier events of the day were of greater interest to the peasant farmers or campesinos. Based on Posada’s illustration, this article is about an earthquake tremor (temblor). The text, however, paints a picture of society’s ills through specific commentary. Featured are stories about a man’s drunken attempts to murder his parents, the theft in a church and other scandalous events. Together, these events are considered far worse than an earthquake and undoubtedly the causes for such terrible tremors with which Divine Providence punishes parents for the neglect in properly raising their children.

José Guadalupe Posada (Mexican, 1852-1913)
Ejemplar y Ciertisimo Suceso en la República Mexicana (Exemplary and Completely True Event in the Mexican Republic), 1894
Broadside (recto), zincograph on paper
Miami University Art Museum Purchase