La Continuación, Señores, de los Pronósticos Va (The Continuation, Gentlemen, of the Predictions Follows)

Horoscopes and the study of astrology are prominent in many world cultures and extends back thousands of years. In Mexico, the astrological system originated about 3,000 years ago among the early Mesoamerican peoples. These pronósticos, or “predictions”, would provide futures for men and women based on their birth month much like horoscopes found in newspapers today. 

Posada’s engravings typically present clear connections in association with the narrative. This broadside is less succinct, though it is assumed that the gentleman in the center is providing pronósticos to the señoras that surround him. Down the center of the text is a line of citizens waiting to hear of their future destiny.

José Guadalupe Posada (Mexican, 1852-1913)
La Continuación, Señores, de los Pronósticos Va (The Continuation, Gentlemen, of the Predictions Follows), 1904
Broadside (recto), photo-relief and letterpress on paper
Miami University Art Museum Purchase