Arroyo and Posada again depict the sinister ills of society that lead to terrible tragedies such as murder. According to the story, the protagonist in the center of this print pours a deadly potion into a bowl on top of the stove. As a result, his mother dies first from eating the poisoned food followed by the father (not present). Posada portrays various scenes in the story in a single frame or image, referred to as continuous narrative. He shows cause and effect. In addition, Posada is aware of depth of field in his use of darker elements in the foreground and lighter tones in the background.

José Guadalupe Posada (Mexican, 1852-1913)
¡¡Terrible y Espantoso Acontecimiento!! (Terrible and Scary Event!), 1906
Broadside (recto), zincograph on paper
Miami University Art Museum Purchase