Emiliano Zapata Salazar was a Mexican Revolutionary who gave his life defending the peasant class against oppressive upper-class landowners. As a fighter for land ownership by the peasant farmer he founded the Zapatismo in support of agrarian socialism. Today, Zapata is a Mexican hero of folk status; however, in the early 20th century he was considered an enemy of the state. One of Zapata’s many fighters was the soldier and general Felipe Neri. Known as a ruthless killer, Neri frequently fought with other generals in the Zapatismo. In January 1914, Neri was shot to death by members of a rival Zapatista faction.

José Guadalupe Posada (Mexican, 1852-1913)
Derrota de Emiliano Zapata (Defeat of Emiliano Zapata), 1913
Broadside (recto), zincograph on paper
Miami University Art Museum Purchase